Vacancies at JGU (in German only)
JGU’s Human Resources department publishes and provides information on vacancies at JGU.
Academics (in German only)
The website hosts many published vacancies in academia, research and development. Moreover, provides assistance and guidance as to professional development.
DHV Ausschreibungsdienst (in German only)
The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) sends its members the complete details of all advertised vacant professorship positions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Advertised positions are those for professors with W3, W2, W1 payment. Moreover, advertised positions at arts and music schools as well as universities of applied sciences are taken into account. There are 24 mailing lists for specific disciplines.
EURAXESS offers a job board containing research positions all over Europe. Moreover, users have the possibility to upload their CV.
Hochschulstellenmarkt (in German only)
Hochschulstellenmarkt is a portal which provides information on vacant positions at universities such as professorships, research assistant or secretary positions etc. in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The portal provides a list of universities with direct links to the respective advertisements.
HRK Stellenanzeigen (in German only)
The German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) provides a list of direct links to HRK member universities and the websites they use to advertise vacant positions for professors, junior professors and assistants.
KoWi job vacancies
In addition to vacancies in academic administration, the EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) mainly lists vacancies for doctoral candidates and postdocs as well as vacancies in research projects.
WILA Arbeitsmarkt (in German only)
The Bonn Science Shop (WILA Bonn) collects vacancies advertised in more than 150 print media on a weekly basis. Some advertisement can be found online. Moreover, there is access to subscribe to a newsletter or the two magazines by WILA Arbeitsmarkt (WILA job market) “Infodienste für Berufe in Umwelt und Natur” (Information services on jobs in environment and nature) and “Infodienste für Berufe in Bildung, Kultur und Sozialwesen” (Information services on jobs in education, culture and social services). The magazines list vacancies according to professional fields.
WIM'O (in German only)
WIM’O is an information and network platform which provides targeted information on vacancies in academic management. By subscribing to its newsletter, users can also receive current offers via email.