Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) considers research and teaching as a university’s equally important core responsibilities. This has been reflected by several structural developments over the past years as well as a multitude of measures taken in particular to adjust the status of teaching within the university to this self-concept, promote teaching quality and identify new challenges.
In addition to shaping their own research profile, teaching experience plays an important role for researchers en route to attaining professorship qualifications. It is therefore crucial during this phase to gain experience in a wide spectrum of different subjects and teaching formats. A junior research group leader’s status within the university may vary greatly and, accordingly, also the level of involvement in university teaching. Junior research group leaders may receive a teaching authorization. According to the program, assuming teaching responsibilities may be on a voluntary or obligatory basis. Where they are employed as research associates, their post will often include a teaching obligation of up to four semester hours per week. Teaching may be a factor in evaluating a junior research group leader, as well.