Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)
Forum Young Cultural Sciences
The Forum Young Cultural Sciences offers JGU doctoral candidates and postdocs possibilities for networking and support. Several meetings per semester take place to discuss theoretical and methodological basics of Historical Cultural Sciences. Furthermore, papers are presented by members as well as outside speakers.
The network JUGGLE – Junior Group Leaders in Life Sciences at JGU, founded in 2013, seeks to facilitate project coordination, scientific exchange and the use of joint research resources between young researchers situated at JGU, the University Medical Center, the Institute of Molecular Biology and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Moreover, it supports career development and research funding by public-sector institutions.
JuGUM (in German only)
JuGUM, which stands for the German Junior Researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences at JGU, sees itself as a platform for doctoral candidates, postdocs and junior professors and contributes to networking, information sharing on funding options and representing interests at JGU.
Karpeia is the Ancient Studies Colloquium Mainz which brings together young researchers across all qualification stages from Mainz and the greater Rhine-Main area in order to exchange and discuss their research. It is generally open to everyone who is interested in ancient studies issues.
Nationwide networking
Die junge Akademie e. V.
The Junge Akademie is the first academy of young academics worldwide. It provides interdisciplinary and socially relevant spaces for outstanding young academics from German-speaking countries. It pursues two goals: fostering academic, especially interdisciplinary, discourse among outstanding young researchers as well as promoting initiatives at the intersection of academia and society.
German Association of University Professors and Lecturers
The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers is the professional association of scientists and scholars in Germany. It provides information on current developments and advice on legal matters. Members are supported through individual coaching that addresses applications, career issues, research funding and other key qualifications.
THESIS (in German only)
THESIS is an interdisciplinary network for young researchers serving interdisciplinary exchange as well as discipline-related support. In addition to an annual meeting, THESIS organizes workshops and seminars on discipline-specific relevant subjects and key qualifications beyond individual disciplines.
UniWIND/GUAT (in German only)
The German University Association of Graduate Training (GUAT) is a network of currently 73 universities and one associated member that have made the promotion of young researchers a central objective of their institutions. GUAT is committed to improving the educational conditions doctoral candidates and early stage postdocs are faced with in order to create the best possible opportunities for their future careers in academia and elsewhere.
EURODOC is the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. It represents doctoral and postdoctoral candidates regarding education policy at the European level in matters of education, research and career. Once a year, the Council organizes the Eurodoc Annual Conference to discuss issues beyond individual disciplines as well as share information between politics and researchers.
Global Young Academy
The Global Young Academy aims to become the voice of young scientists around the world by developing, connecting, and mobilizing new talents from six continents. It empowers young researchers to lead international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational dialogue with the goal to make global decision making evidence-based and inclusive. Members are leading young scientists, typically 3–10 years after their PhD, between 30 to 40 years of age, and in the early stages of their independent academic careers.