For postdocs, raising research funding is essential in order to cover research costs in addition to living costs. They can apply for a position at a university or other research institution as well as get funding for their own independent position or apply for a scholarship. Moreover, they can also apply for auxiliary funding in order to cover the costs in connection with their research or publication costs. Funding may be raised through more comprehensive research proposals and applications covering an entire project, but also with respect to individual items such as travel expenses, publication funding or grants as well as funding for assistants.
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) offers a vast array of funding options so as to provide optimal support in this crucial phase. On the following pages you will find a list of internal university funding as well as external funding options for research stays abroad, research funding, options for teaching funding, prizes and awards, publication grants as well as conference and travel funding, and references to the respective contact persons.
Experience in raising third party funding is particularly important and necessary for making an academic career in research and increases a candidate’s prospects in later appointment procedures. JGU’s Research and Technology Transfer Office advises and supports candidates with respect to raising external third party funding (e.g. EU, DFG, Volkswagen Foundation).
Different platforms provide information on current job vacancies in the university sector.