Gutenberg Teaching Council (GTC)
GTC’s support measures address a large target group. Support is aimed at promoting innovative teaching projects (individual as well as focus projects) which make sustainable contributions to the further development or improvement of teaching within a field of study or beyond.
University teacher of the year
Every year, the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) in collaboration with the ZEIT publishing group awards prize money in the amount of EUR 10.000 to a university teacher who has shown outstanding commitment to teaching.
JGU Teaching Award
The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Teaching Award worth EUR 1.000 is offered on a rotating basis to the various faculties/schools of JGU. The prizes are awarded during the annual DIES LEGENDI in the presence of the university management board.
Teaching awards in Germany
The Stifterverband lists German teaching prizes and awards for innovation and improvement in higher education teaching that are awarded at federal, state or university level.