Young researchers, both male and female, are offered different financial support programs so as to better reconcile their academic career and family.
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Foundation
The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Foundation supports young female researchers with one or more children in the fields of experimental natural sciences and medicine through providing a monthly financial grant to pay for assistance in household chores or additional child care. By doing so, these young female scientists are relieved from household tasks and given the opportunity to work at a high scientific standard, despite the double burden.
DAAD research scholarships for postdoctoral researchers (in German only)
The DAAD offers especially qualified young German postdoctoral researchers scholarships to conduct research abroad in order to gain further qualifications. Recipients are paid a basic amount which increases if the researcher’s family goes with him or her.
Funding options Faculty 10 (in German only)
Faculty 10 promotes the reconciliation of family and work/science using its own resources, for instance by providing financial grants for child care during travels to attend conferences, assistants during pregnancy or child care during committee meetings or colloquia to name but a few.
Rhineland-Palatinate re-commencing scholarships (in German only)
The scholarships promote young female researchers who have interrupted their doctoral or postdoctoral theses for their families or a professional occupation of at least five years. Applications must be submitted by 1 February and 1 August of each year.