
Ada Lovelace Mentoring Program (in German only)
JGU’s Ada Lovelace Mentoring Program supports young female researchers in natural sciences and mathematics during their doctoral or postdoctoral thesis or as postdocs. The program’s goal is to expand the professional development possibilities for female scientists, promote their career start and professional scientific career, as well as increase the share of women in leading positions.

Christine de Pizan Mentoring-Project (in German only)
The Christine de Pizan Mentoring-Project is a mentoring program within the framework of gender equality measures taken by the Office of Gender Affairs and Equal Opportunity for the Faculties 01–03 and 05–07 as well as the Mainz School of Music and Mainz Academy of Arts. The program’s overarching objective is to support the career of young female doctoral and postdoctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences who are employed at JGU.

Edith Heischkel Mentoring Program (University Medical Center) (in German only)
With the Edith Heischkel Mentoring Program the University Medical Center of JGU aims at promoting qualified female scientists during the last stages of and after their doctorate. Employment at the University Medical Center is a precondition. Participants receive one-to-one mentoring, attend workshops to strengthen scientifically relevant qualifications and receive promotion of their networks through regular events and meetings.