Dagmar Eißner Award (in German only)
This award honors scientific work that is documented through recent publication(s). The call for applications is limited to female researchers at the University Medical Center of JGU who are below the age of 35 at the time of their application.
Award by the Research Unit Media Convergence (in German only)
The Research Unit Media Convergence continuously awards prizes in the amount of EUR 1.500 for dissertations completed at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) which show a focus on media studies and a close thematic connection to media convergence. Postdoctoral candidates whose doctoral assessment procedure (including the viva voce or disputation) has been completed after 1 January 2009 are eligible for application.
Research Award by the Friends of Mainz University (in German only)
Since 1986, the society has honored outstanding young researchers and artists at JGU with research awards, each award amounting to EUR 2.500. These prizes are awarded in the course of JGU’s DIES ACADEMICUS.
JGU Teaching Award
The Senate of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Teaching Award worth EUR 1.000 is offered on a rotating basis to the various faculties/schools of JGU. The prizes are awarded during the annual DIES LEGENDI in the presence of the university management board.
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Awards
JGU’s faculties honor outstanding dissertations with the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Award. Moreover, the Graduate School “Symmetry Breaking”, the Bundesbank and Landesbank Rhineland-Palatinate also award prizes for outstanding dissertations at JGU.
This prize endowed by Sibylle Kalkhof-Rose aims at promoting young researchers. The prize is awarded to researchers in the natural sciences and humanities on a rotating basis.